Thursday, March 1, 2007


Bring Back LOLLY!

Who could forget the late 90's pop princess Lolly aka Anna Kumble (who). If Popplastice had the capability and human genome technology to create our own pop star it would surely come out just like Lolly!

Lolly the mature face of pop! Who could forget her classic hits, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Per Sempre Amore..., Rockin Robin, Puppy Love, Mickey, Viva La Radio the list just goes on .... and on.

Lolly's first album, My First Album (inspired title, not to mention optimistic - was she expecting a second!) was followed up by her second - Pick 'n' Mix. However dedicated Lolly fans will tell you that in her attempts not to compromise her musical integrity, presentation and style she forgot to change the songs on the second album resulting in it being the same as the first in all but name!!!

But we still love LOLLY and almost forgot to mention her little Hipbag - what did she keep in there!

Here are some of Lolly's finest moments...


Viva La Radio

Per Sempre Amore ...

And my all time favourite - the Lolly ballad

Big Boys Don't Cry

get the autumnal shades on standby! - it REALLY is a lovely song.

Lolly you truly are a Popplastic star and are always welcome at Popplastic Towers!!!

1 comment:

sfsneddon said...

lolly's little hip bag was known as her lollypocket.

I have a lollypocket. Its very pretty and i keep the free mints that you get in pizza hut in it.